Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Rep planning

In order to make sure I focus my limited time wisely, I've come up with a reputation plan. Basically I went through all of the reputations, and considered if any level was needed for a resto Druid, and also if there were easy enough upgrades for Feral as secondary objective.

The list is not perfect, and I have not cross-checked it with my plan of what PvP items to get, and in which order. There are bound to be some overlapping items on the lists, and I'll have to sort that out later. But here is a rough list of my opinions on the Horde reps on Outlands.

Cenarion Expedition

Although I plan on going for Restoration Druid, the ability to do some Feral damage from time to time will also be important. If for no other reason, then simply for the ability to grind and quest solo more efficiently. There are two nice upgrades here,[Glyph of Ferocity] at Revered for the for the attack power and hit rating, and of course [Earthwarden] at Exalted, pretty nifty twohander with a whopping 712 boost to attack power. As a bonus there is also one ring available, but Im not quite sure if it will be up to par. The stamina is nice, though. Of course I will get it if I go for Earthwarden anyway.


This will not be a priority for me, although for the Flight Form quests I will need to get some rep here, too. The reputations dont really give anything special, there's [Haramad's Bargain] at Exalted for Feral, and before that there are [Nomad's Leggings] at Revered, also for Feral. But as neither of them are spectacular, nor all that crucial upgrades for me, I think I'll stick to Honored for the Heroic Key.


Well this is an easy skip. The only things here are [Talbuk Hide Spaulders] at Revered, and [Ceremonial Cover] at Exalted, and neither are that interesting.


Another easy decision. I will be aiming for Revered, since [Glyph of Renewal] is by far the best head enchant for a healer.


Well Im not quite sure about this, but I suppose I might aim for Revered, to get the [Apexis Cloak]. It's not spectacular by any means, but I suppose it would be doable with relatively little stress while doing a bunch of quests anyway for exp. There are also [Shard-bound Bracers] at Exalted, but they are for Feral, so not worth the trouble for me.

Lower City

Lower City rep is quite rewarding. At Revered there is the [Lower City Prayerbook] which, depending on the weapon of choice, may be a must-have, and as a potential temporary upgrade the [Leggings of the Skettis Exile], even though they are cloth. At Exalted there is the [Gavel of Unearthed Secrets] which would go nicely hand-in-hand with the Prayerbook.


The quick ones have figured out now that I've chosen Scryers over Aldor here.

There's quite a few upgrades available from the Scryers. [Scryer's Bloodgem] is a damn interesting trinket and [Seer's Cane] is a nice Staff, especially for a blue item. Both available at Revered. At Exalted there is the [Seer's Signet], which is a very potent ring.


A big collection of rep rewards here, but actually just three that are of interest to me. At Revered there is the [Xi'ri's Gift], which would be a nice pair for the Scryers trinket, and at Exalted there is [A'dal's Command], a nice ring but not awesome, and of course [Gavel of Pure Light], which is awesome.

Sha'tari Skyguard

I'm not really sure what to think of this rep. I dont really need the epic flying mount as a druid, but then again at Exalted there is also [Airman's Ribbon of Gallantry], which might be a nice trinket to have. And yes, I know I get over-exited about trinkets. One of those "if I have the time for it", I guess.

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