Thursday 21 February 2008

First taste of Arena

Another friend of mine decided to jump on the bandwagon, and transferred to my realm, and not many minutes went by before we had a Arena 2vs2 Team up and running. He is also a MS Warrior, with decent gear, including Deep Thunder, so everything was in order. Well, except my gear.

The first three or so rounds went by so fast I could hardly understand what was going on around me. New surroundings, new playstyle, new things to learn. LoSing the opponents seemed pretty confusing at first, and I got us killed by LoSin my Warrior instead of the opponents, and thus denying him of any heals.

After those first few, pathetic attempts, I started to slowly come to terms with the Arena. A few more rounds and we had scored our first victory (3rd round against the same Druid/Lock team), and eventually we finished with a 7-6 score for our first day in Arena. We even ended up some 7 points higher than we started!

I have a bit of a headache now, but I'll try to write something more constructive later on. But I gotta say: this seems like a LOT of fun!


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