Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Guild Issues

Lately I've been thinking about how Guilds work, again. I have joined a fresh Guild, who are busy doing Heroics, some battlegrounds and trying to get started with raiding. And it's just as hard as always.

The first issue is that people have different levels of experience and expectations. Some are experienced and know that things take their time. Others think they are experienced because they have been boosted through a lot of content, and are not equipped to handle wipes. And some are just altogether clueless about anything... but then again, if they are willing to listen and learn, it's not a problem.

Team performance requires team work, which requires time to form. Easy as that. There's really no way around it. Even if the fresh crew is so overgeared that they fly through the first instance or two, the reality will catch up eventually. And if they are only at the lower level of acceptable gear, the truth will hit the in the face straight from the start.

Another issue is the Guild management as a whole. It's a tricky business to balance the activities of a Guild and its members' interests. Some people want to raid all the time, some want to do it when they feel llike it, and some want to have the schedule up two weeks up front so that they can adjust their own schedule around it. There's really no way to keep everyone equally happy, without stepping on some toes. But as I've said somewhere, officers need to make decisions and then be prepared to take the heat from the displeased.

I'm just happy that I am not that officer, this time :D

But anyways... most of this is not a really big concearn of mine. I'll be happy to heal in raids if needed, but right now I am not motivated to re-spec or really even gear for it. Battlegrounds and Arena are my playgrounds, and that's where my aims are. If I get booted for that, then so be it. Resto Druids dont really need to find new Guilds... the Guilds find us ;)

Coffee break is up. That honor wont farm itself!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've noticed that the amount of time GM can spend on the guild will affect a lot on how it will succeed. Guild usually need a "father" character to the guild and that is most of the time GM.